Our Work

Upper Aire Project

What we do

For over 10 years, the Upper Aire Project (UAP) has been striving to improve water quality and habitat in the Upper Aire catchment. Engagement with landowners has been of paramount importance in achieving these aims and objectives. Landowner engagement is therefore at the heart of the UAP.

Without being able to identify famers and land managers and establish relationships, the UAP would not be able to access much of the land in the Upper Aire catchment to deliver environmental works. Strong community relationships and our network of known landowners continues to grow, and we aim to build upon these into the future as we reinforce sustainable environmental change through practical interventions and influence land management decisions.

Case studies

Upper Aire Project

Community engagement and volunteering

Community engagement and volunteer participation are similarly of fundamental importance to the UAP. We seek to coordinate engagement for environmental works from community groups and volunteers where possible, to drive volunteer engagement and community support.

Volunteer groups often assist and participate in delivery and maintenance of interventions which support improvement to water quality, natural flood management and/or habitat. To discover how you can volunteer within the Upper Aire Project or read more about landowner engagement, visit the get involved page.